' Substitute in form parameters into the query string
fp_sQry = "[*]InsertSqlQuery[*]"
fp_sDefault = "[*]InsertDefaultFields[*]"
fp_iCurrent = 1
fp_fError = False
fp_bBlankField = False
Do While (Not fp_fError) And (InStr(fp_iCurrent, fp_sQry, "%%") <> 0)
' found a opening quote, find the close quote
fp_iStart = InStr(fp_iCurrent, fp_sQry, "%%")
fp_iEnd = InStr(fp_iStart + 2, fp_sQry, "%%")
If fp_iEnd = 0 Then
fp_fError = True
Response.Write "Database Region Error: mismatched parameter delimiters"
fp_sField = Mid(fp_sQry, fp_iStart + 2, fp_iEnd - fp_iStart - 2)
fp_sValue = Request.Form(fp_sField)
' if the named form field doesn't exist, make a note of it
If (len(fp_sValue) = 0) Then
fp_iCurrentField = 1
fp_bFoundField = False
Do While (InStr(fp_iCurrentField, fp_sDefault, fp_sField) <> 0) _
And Not fp_bFoundField
fp_iCurrentField = InStr(fp_iCurrentField, fp_sDefault, fp_sField)
fp_iStartField = InStr(fp_iCurrentField, fp_sDefault, "=")
If fp_iStartField = fp_iCurrentField + len(fp_sField) Then
fp_iEndField = InStr(fp_iCurrentField, fp_sDefault, "&")
If (fp_iEndField = 0) Then fp_iEndField = len(fp_sDefault) + 1
fp_sValue = Mid(fp_sDefault, fp_iStartField+1, fp_iEndField-1)
fp_bFoundField = True
fp_iCurrentField = fp_iCurrentField + len(fp_sField) - 1
End If
End If
' this next finds the named form field value, and substitutes in
' doubled single-quotes for all single quotes in the literal value
' so that SQL doesn't get confused by seeing unpaired single-quotes
fp_sValue = Replace(Replace(fp_sValue, "'", "''"), """", """""")
If (Mid(fp_sQry, fp_iStart - 1, 1) <> """") And _
(Mid(fp_sQry, fp_iStart - 1, 1) <> "'") And _
Not IsNumeric(fp_sValue) Then
fp_sValue = ""
End If
If (len(fp_sValue) = 0) Then fp_bBlankField = True
fp_sQry = Left(fp_sQry, fp_iStart - 1) + fp_sValue + _
Right(fp_sQry, Len(fp_sQry) - fp_iEnd - 1)
' Fixup the new current position to be after the substituted value
fp_iCurrent = fp_iStart + Len(fp_sValue)
End If
If Not fp_fError Then
' Use the connection string directly as entered from the wizard
On Error Resume Next
set fp_rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
fp_rs.Open fp_sQry, "[*]InsertConnString[*]"
If Err.Description <> "" Then
Response.Write "Database Error: " + Err.Description + ""
if fp_bBlankField Then
Response.Write " One or more form fields were empty."
End If
' Check for the no-record case
If fp_rs.EOF And fp_rs.BOF Then
Response.Write "No Records Returned"
' Start a while loop to fetch each record in the result set
Do Until fp_rs.EOF